Managing teams
As a case manager, or the manager of a team, you can modify team information in Case Manager when team management, membership, or work changes.
- In the Case Manager portal, click My Teams to open the Teams page.
- Select the team that you want to edit.
- On the Team Profile page, click Actions > Edit team info to open the Edit team dialog box. You can edit team information in the following ways:
- Change the team name by directly modifying the displayed text.
- Revise the team description by directly modifying the displayed text.
- Change the team manager by selecting a new manager from the list.
- To manage team membership, in the Members panel click Edit to open the Edit Members dialog box.
Note: A user cannot be removed from a team if the current team is the only one to which they belong.
- You can add or remove work queues from the Work queues panel.
- To add a work queue, in the Work queues panel, click Add New and enter the name of the new work queue or select one from the list.
- Remove a work queue by clicking the Delete icon next to its name.
Note: A work queue cannot be deleted if it contains work items.
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